Thursday, March 8, 2012

From long to short

Hello everybody!!! I once again went M.I.A for a while!!! But... I'm back!!

Yesterday I cut a friend's hair. Her name is Kate, she had amazingly beautiful long VIRGIN hair!!!!! Which we all know is very hard to find these days haha!!

Kate's long hair

Since Kate had gorgeous virgin hair, the best thing to do before we could cut it was to braid it. For all you wondering... YES!! She's donating it to locks of love!!!! 

Kate came to me and said she wanted a drastic change, so we went REALLY short! I was nervous about it at first because I really wanted her to like it and feel comfortable about it!! So I played it safe and left it a little longer... but brave Kate said she wanted it even shorter!!! So long story short (just like her hair). Here's the final look:

Doesn't she look amazing??

Kate with her braid

Side view

Kate wearing Mayoulee Accessories 

Have you gone from long to short before? I would love to see pictures!! Let me know what you think!


  1. Wow! Great job on her hair!! Very nice haircut, she looks amazing!
    Love Mom!!
